
Showing posts with the label Dynamics 365

Work 365 Payment and Invoice Integration for CSP Automated Billing

When it comes to billing, invoicing and payment collection, there’s much more involved than just sending out an invoice. One of the main challenges of a cloud solution provider within the Microsoft CSP Program is to either create or find solutions that will standardize the invoicing and payment collection process to help scale their business. To scale the business service providers, must tackle several tasks seamlessly: Provision and bundle services and offerings Pro-rate based on usage and providing usage metrics Invoices Creation Delivery of Invoices Payment Collection For many IT services companies including Microsoft partners, billing reconciliation and payment collection is a manual task that can take upwards of 10 hours a month for just 15 recurring customer invoices. This effort grows significantly based on the volume and types of services provided. There is coordination between the accounting, sales and operations team to collect all the data necessary to just ge...